What To Do About Yellow Jackets On Your Denver Property

Yellow Jacket crawling on a tree branch.

Any creature that can be harmful to people is scary. Wasps are especially frightening due to their small size and fast speeds. Seeing these pests while walking down the road, it is hard not to imagine them making a "beeline" to attack. The question is, how likely are they to do that? One type of wasps that attack people more frequently is yellow jackets. If you don’t know much about these pests but know you don’t want stinging insects on your Denver property, we are here today to help. This is what you should know.

Why Yellow Jackets Invade Properties

Wasps are mostly carnivorous and primarily feed on insects like flies and beetles. These pests will also eat nectar, honeydew, sweet beverages, fruits, and various meats. If you are seeing an influx of yellow jackets around your property, there is probably an ample amount of food nearby for these pests to feed on.

How Aggressive Are Yellow Jackets?

There are a few different species of wasps that live here in Denver. Of the wasps that call our area home, yellow jackets are considered to be the most aggressive. This doesn’t mean they will go out of their way to sting you, but they are quick to anger and fast to act when people get too close to their nests. You will find these pests are especially aggressive during the late fall and early winter as they prepare their queens for hibernation.

The Dangers Of Yellow Jackets

Fun fact: Yellow jacket stings hurt less than paper wasp stings. These pests are not, however, any less dangerous. Just like paper wasps and other area pests that sting, yellow jackets pose a serious threat to people with allergies. If you are allergic to insect venom, one sting from this pest could send you into anaphylactic shock. If you are not allergic to insect venom, then a yellow jacket sting will still hurt but will not be life-threatening. 

How To Prevent Yellow Jackets From Building Nests In Your Yard

When it comes to keeping yellow jackets off your property, limit their access to food and harborage. To help you do this around your yard, here are some basic prevention tips to utilize. 

  • Pick up fruits and berries that fall into your yard.
  • Invest in tight-fitting lids for your outdoor trash cans.
  • Make sure your window and door screens are in good condition.
  • Turn off exterior lights at night.
  • Do not feed your pets outdoors.
  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation using a caulking gun or liquid cement.
  • Consider removing flowers and other budding plants from your yard.
  • Knockdown nests you find that are smaller than a golf ball.

The Benefits Of Professional Wasp Removal

There are few things as dangerous as trying to eliminate a fully mature yellow jacket's nest without safety equipment. Unless you can run over 20 miles an hour, we do not recommend trying to handle these pests on your own. Instead, get the professionals at  Beeline Pest Control. We are equipped with the needed safety equipment, training, and treatments to effectively remove yellow jackets' nests from properties. If you are tired of fearing for your safety every time you go outdoors and you want a quick way to get stinging insects out of your yard, we are your choice for the job.

Give our team a call today for more details or to schedule your Denver property for emergency wasp removal. We will send one of our technicians your way ASAP with a solution that is guaranteed to solve your problem.

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