Mice In Omaha: What Every Resident Should Know

Mouse in a living room.

What is a common house mouse? Where do they live? What should I be wary of? What should I do if I find a mouse in my home?

These are questions many residents of Omaha are probably wondering, especially since the temperatures are starting to drop, which means these pesky rodents are going to be seeking out warmer shelter. So let's get right to it and answer them for you.

Mice are found everywhere in rural areas, towns, cities, and suburbs. They are often found in home basements, garages, attics, sheds, or barns. The most common type of mouse is the brown or field mouse. It is small with a long tail and brown to gray coloring.

House mice are most active at night and are always looking for places to stay. They want to live near their food source (the food that you inadvertently provide for them). They tend to seek out areas of the home where they can travel through small holes or cracks. This allows them access to just about any area of your house without having to count on any doorways open or unsealed. House mice are wild animals but have adapted and benefited from living close to humans for centuries. Their survival depends on human behavior and the availability of food and shelter.

Dangers Of House Mice In Omaha

Mice may be small, but they are big carriers of disease. They also carry fleas, mites, and ticks that can spread diseases. Most of the time, it is the mouse itself that carries germs that can make people sick. Some of these germs are transmitted through mice's urine and feces. Mice fur can also carry germs when they crawl on people or rub against them while running around searching for food or shelter. If you catch a mouse, try not to touch it directly with your bare hands.

House mice are very destructive. They not only cause structural damage to your property but can carry diseases. Their droppings are harmful to people and pets, especially children. The bacteria that mice leave behind can lead to many different diseases, including typhus and salmonella.

Mice are chewers. They can destroy things in your home by gnawing through insulation, leaving unsightly holes. They can eat away at your furniture, wires, and food left on counters, leaving behind droppings.  Female house mice can have litters up to 14 young 5-10 times per year. Their breeding and prolific nature ensure that it is rarely just 'one little mouse' in your Omaha home.

Mouse Prevention Tips

Mice can squeeze through remarkably small openings, and you might not notice their presence until it is too late. Avoid mice by taking these steps to prevent them from making your home their home:

  • Seal potential entry points with something they can't chew through.

  • Clean up after yourself. Mice seek out the smell of food and return for more. 

  • Store food, such as pet foods, inside the cupboard or pantry. 

  • Keep trash tightly sealed.

  • Remove produce that has fallen in gardens.

  • Use screens on windows and doors and inspect for holes regularly. 

  • Keep vents covered. 

  • Remove dense shrubs, grass, and landscaping.

It's not easy to eradicate a mouse problem. Don't despair, with professional rodent control from Beeline Pest Control. We use the best and most effective ways to get rid of a mouse infestation: detailed inspections, exclusion measures, and a combination of repellents and bait stations will keep your unwanted visitors away. Call today for pest control in Omaha.

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