How To Combat The Spiders In Denver

Jumping Spider on someone's finger.

The spiders we find in Denver may be harmless for the most part, but that doesn't make them any more welcome in our homes. Continue reading to learn how to keep these grotesque pests out of your home. And don't forget to call us at Beeline Pest Control when you need fast, effective pest control services in Denver!

Types of Spiders You May Find in Your Home

Colorado spiders aren't unique to our state. Some are throughout surrounding states, the country, and even the world. But the following are the ones most commonly spotted in our area:

  • Hobo spider: This brown-colored spider prefers dry climates. You can tell it apart from similarly colored spiders by spotting a striped pattern on its top.
  • Jumping spiders: These are the largest family of spiders, making them one of the most common household spiders in Denver. They leap from place to place, secured by a web, hence their name.
  • Brown recluse spiders: One of the most venomous spiders in the area. Their bite can have long-lasting implications if not treated quickly.
  • Yellow sac spiders: These types of spiders can be aggressive towards humans, so they're a real nuisance in your home. Their bite stings and can cause skin irritation.

This is only a sample of the different kinds of spiders found in homes around Denver. Regardless of what species you find lurking in your home, professional pest control is the most effective way to eliminate them. So let our pros at Beeline Pest Control rid your Denver home of spiders with the most up-to-date products and techniques.

Exterior Prevention Tips for Spiders

Spiders in Denver won't just appear in your home. They start as outside spiders and, in most cases, create a nest somewhere on your property before moving in. A strong home defense for spiders requires some lawn maintenance steps, including:

  • Keep your grass cut short
  • Leave your porchlight off
  • Pick debris and up any trash and debris in your yard

Spiders nest where they feel protected, and your property (inside and out) provides many prime locations. When a Beeline Pest Control technician inspects your property, they identify factors that risk attracting spiders to your home and points of entry they can use. That way, you can prevent future infestations.

The Safe and Effective Way To Get Rid of Spiders

When it comes to ridding your home of spiders, professional spider control services are the most effective option available. However, homeowners sometimes shy away from the thought, thinking that exterminators will take advantage of their lack of knowledge to upsell them on services they don't need. But nothing could be farther from the truth.

Beeline Pest Control works closely with each client to fully understand their wants and concerns. Then, we only provide the services needed to address your problem and nothing more. We work hard to keep our services affordable for everyone in Denver.

How Do I Permanently Get Rid Of All The Spiders In My Home?

Living a pest-free life requires a two-pronged approach. First, with comprehensive pest control treatments, you'll need to eliminate the spiders already residing in your home. Second, you need to resolve the issues that allowed them to come inside in the first place.

It can be a monumental undertaking, but you don't have to worry about anything with Beeline Pest Control on your side. We work with you every step of the way to keep your home safe from spiders and other pests. Contact us today for a free estimate and to learn more our our residential and commercial pest control services in Denver.

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