How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Council Bluffs House

Jumping Spider crawling on the floor.

Spiders are creepy nuisance pests that have been invading homes forever. They feed on a variety of food sources and weave their webs in the dark corners of your home. While they benefit the environment as a natural source of insect control, they aren't exactly welcome visitors to our homes. Plus, while most species are harmless, in some cases, spider bites can be dangerous to humans and pets.
You shouldn't take a spider infestation lightly. Learn more in this informative guide about the kinds of spiders in Iowa and how Beeline Pest Control removes these pesky invaders from local properties.

The Types Of Spiders You Can Find Around Council Bluffs

There are several different types of spiders found in the local area. Here's a list of three of the most common types, along with their identifying characteristics: 

  • House spiders: The house spider is one of the most common to encounter in Council Bluffs homes. House spiders are yellowish brown and around 3/16 to 5/16 inch long. They are harmless but can be a nuisance when they build webs throughout a house.
  • Hobo spiders: These fast-moving spiders are light to medium brown in color with dark stripes on their torso. Their legs are light brown. Hobo spiders build funnel-shaped webs. They aren't good climbers, so you'll primarily find them on the ground. The average hobo spider is around an inch in length.
  • Jumping spiders: This species is named for its impressive jumping ability, which it uses to hunt prey. Jumping spiders are most often black, but can also be gray, tan, or brown. They are ⅛ to ¾ inch long and have compact bodies and fairly short legs.
  • Wolf spiders: This species is a dark brown color with light brown to yellow markings. Wolf spiders can grow to be up to 1 3/8 inch in length, and the males are smaller than the females. They are most active at night and tend to stay close to the ground. Many consider these spiders beneficial because they feed on pests that destroy crops.
  • Black widow spiders: The black widow is one of the most venomous spiders in Iowa. These spiders are black with a red hourglass-shaped marking on their backs. They store their eggs in a yellow sack and create irregular-shaped webs. They are a little over an inch in length and prefer warmer temperatures. 

Discovering a spider infestation on your property can be alarming. Fortunately, today's extermination techniques are extremely effective.

Why You Don't Want Spiders Hanging Around Your House

Spiders are reclusive by nature and don't attack unless someone provokes them, and their bites are not typically dangerous. However, the black widow spider is especially concerning, as its venom is highly potent. When bitten, you will feel the pain immediately. In addition to discomfort in the bitten area, common symptoms include high blood pressure, nausea, sweating, and fever. A black widow spider bite is rarely fatal, but you should seek medical attention immediately. 
In addition to the increased risk of bites, a spider infestation also means you likely have another insect infestation somewhere on your property. Spiders make their homes wherever they find a food source, so you should pay attention to signs of other pests. At the first sign of spiders in your home, contact a trusted source of pest control in Council Bluffs like Beeline Pest Control.

Five Simple And Effective Spider Prevention Tips For Your Home

Making your home as unattractive as possible to spiders is the best way to prevent an infestation. Here are five natural ways to get rid of spiders:

  1. Peppermint oil is one of the best essential oils to keep spiders away. Mix several drops with water and use a spray bottle to distribute it around your home or use an oil diffuser.
  2. Clean your home regularly. Wipe down your kitchen counters and vacuum frequently.
  3. Replace broken window screens and seal or caulk gaps around window frames.
  4. Declutter your storage spaces. Throw away old cardboard boxes and donate unwanted clothing or junk to eliminate spider hiding places.
  5. Keep shrubs and trees trimmed and away from your home to prevent insects from getting inside.

Despite these preventative measures, spiders may still find their way inside your home. Instead of tackling the problem yourself, call in a professional exterminator.

Professional Pest Control Is A Great Way To Get Rid Of Spiders

There's a reason why Council Bluffs homeowners rely on Beeline Pest Control to get rid of spiders for good. Our pest control solutions will eliminate the spiders in your home, as well as the pest prey that is attracting them. Give us a call today for your free quote!

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